- Ellen White writings, Ellen White prophetic ministry – Pastor Merlin D. Burt
Ellen White writings, Ellen White prophetic ministry, were not used by God to originate any doctrine of the seventh-day adventist church.
All our doctrines comes from the Bible and the Bible alone.
Her work was not to be additional scripture, not a rule of faith.
Her role was to confirmed, correct and enrich.
Tulisan-tulisan Ellen White, pelayanan kenabian Ellen White, tidak digunakan oleh Tuhan untuk memulai doktrin gereja Advent hari ketujuh.
Semua doktrin kita berasal dari Alkitab dan Alkitab saja.
Pekerjaannya bukanlah untuk menjadi kitab suci tambahan, bukan aturan iman.
Perannya adalah untuk menegaskan, mengoreksi dan memperkaya.
Pastor Merlin D. Burt, Ph.D., Director of the Ellen G. White Estate and a field secretary for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Gift of Prophecy Symposium | August 24th, 2022., (PART III). - The Surprising Truth about the Writings of Ellen White according to Pastor Ted Wilson
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Roh Nubuat dan Alkitab
Tulisan-tulisan Ellen White bukanlah pengganti Alkitab.
Tulisan itu tidaklah boleh disamakan dengan Alkitab.
Kitab Suci tetap satu-satunya, ukuran unik yang dengan itulah dia
dan tulisan-tulisannya harus ditimbang dan tunduk.
( Buku 28 Uraian Doktrin Dasar Alkitabiah / 28 Doktrin Advent Halaman 265,
Edisi Revisi 2006 diterbitkan oleh: Indonesia Publishing House )
The Spirit of Prophecy and the Bible
The writings of Ellen White are not a substitute for Scripture. They cannot be placed on the same level. The Holy Scriptures stand alone, the unique standard by which her and all other writings must be judged and to which they must be subject.
( Seventh-day Adventists Believe, Chapter 17, Page 227 )
Last Updated on 2023-05-07, 09:00 by sentrumsario.